5 Types of People Who Should Go to GW’s Health Professions School Fair

I know I have a lot of students interested in pre-health! Definitely check out the upcoming Health Professions School Fair!


Wondering if GW’s Health Professions School Fair is for you?!?question mark It is, if:

1. You’ve wanted to be a doctor, physical therapist, physician assistant, dentist, etc. your whole life.

2. You just decided yesterday that you want to enter a health profession.

3. You are thinking about entering a health profession.

4.  You are pretty sure you don’t want to enter a health profession, but every once in a while you wonder if it’s for you.

5. You have a friend who wants to be a health professional but they can’t go and you want to pick up some literature for them because you are nice like that.

So in other words,YES, it’s for you! It’s FREE! Register now!

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