CCAS 2190 – Research in Science (Fall 2013 course)

CCAS 2190.10  Special Interdisciplinary Topics, section: Research in Science

CRN 57318, 1 credit

Fall, 2013 Listing: Friday 2:30-3:30 pm, Monroe B-33, Professors Feldman and Medsker

One-credit course objectives and course design. In each class session, students will develop an appreciation for research by analyzing and discussing models of creativity and innovation, learning to write scientific-style articles, learning about research programs at GW and the larger research community, gaining scientific literature search skills, and writing their own proposals for summer projects with research groups at GW and elsewhere. This course is primarily for freshmen and selected sophomores who have the aptitude, curiosity, and motivation to explore the nature of science and scientific research. The co-requisite for the course is enrollment in at least one introductory STEM course. The students in RIS learn about great ideas and discoveries in science from selected readings and class discussions. Other course topics include skill development on scientific communication, and guest lectures by faculty and their students will provide information on current research programs at GW.

After taking this course, students should be able to explain selected great ideas in science at conceptual and historical levels and use the tools of scientific written and oral communication, including the development of proposals for research projects, as detailed in Table 1. Readings for class discussions are chosen from The Discoveries and selected articles from issues of sources such as Scientific American, Physics Today, and The New York Times Science sections. Students were encouraged to attend seminars by researchers in the DC area at places including NASA, Smithsonian, and local universities. The overarching goal is to help students start thinking about undergraduate STEM research at the beginning of their college careers so that they become and remain excited about science through graduation as a STEM major.

Interested in taking a Public Health course in the Fall?

Fall 2013 PUBH Course Registration Schedule

Friday, April 5th through Sunday, April 14th
ONLY declared Public Health majors and minors will be able to add PUBH core courses (PUBH 1101, 1102, 2110, 2111, 2112, 3130, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3135W). All other undergraduate PUBH courses (electives) will be open to all GW students from the beginning of registration.

Monday, April 15th* and Tuesday, April 16th
ONLY SPHHS students will be able to add PUBH core courses (PUBH 1101, 1102, 2110, 2111, 2112, 3130, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3135W) – this adds Exercise Science and Athletic Training majors to the existing Public Health majors and minors

Wednesday, April 17th* on
ALL GW Students will be able to add PUBH core courses (PUBH 1101, 1102, 2110, 2111, 2112, 3130, 3131, 3132, 3133, 3135W)

*Registration for PUBH core courses will begin at 10:00 am on these days


All sophomores (students with 30-59 credit hours) that  have not declared there major should have received an email from me yesterday outlining what to do. In case you forget here it is again:

Beginning Monday, February 11, if you have 30 or more credit hours earned and no declared major, you will have a “No Major Declared” registration hold placed on your account. If you have 45 or more credit hours you have to declare your major to have your hold removed!

If you have decided on your major, you should declare your major by completing the Declaration of Major form with a faculty member in your chosen field. More detailed instructions for each major can be found on the second page of the major checklists here. Once you complete this form, and the faculty advisor signs the form, please return it to Phillips 107, and the front desk will remove your hold. It is important that you let the front desk staff know that you have a hold upon turning in your completed and signed Declaration of Major form.

If you already have a major selected and have not yet declared, it would be in your best interest to do so sooner rather than later. When you declare your major, those requirements will appear on your DegreeMAP audit, and you’ll also receive a faculty advisor in your major (in addition to retaining me as your professional advsior).

decisionsIf you have not decided on your you must meet with me in order to discuss your Fall 2013 courses and have your hold removed if you do not intend to declare your major this semester.

In an effort to assist you in selecting the appropriate courses and major, I have set aside Sophomore Preference appointment times from Monday, February 11 – Friday, February 22, to meet with you to assess your goals and provide you with resources.

Prior to our appointment, you will need to complete and save a Fall 2013 plan using the DegreeMAP Planner. Input your intended courses for Fall 2013 into the planner, and remember to save your plan. Instructions on how to use the planner tool can be found here.
To prepare for our meeting, please review the Schedule of Classes. If the Schedule of Classes is not yet posted, please use your DegreeMAP audit to create a list of classes based on your remaining requirements. You will be able to create a plan and meet with me even if the schedule has not posted.

You must make an advising appointment to have your hold removed:

  • You can make an appointment by calling 202 994-6210 or stopping by Phillips 107.
  • I encourage you to make your appointment early, as appointment slots book up quickly during registration time.
  • Please come prepared to this appointment with your DegreeMAP planner complete.

You should also consider attending the CCAS Major Declaration Expo:
Tuesday, February 26
5:30-7:00 pm – Continental Ballroom, Marvin Center
Have all of your questions answered by faculty members and peer representatives from every CCAS department.  Then declare your major on the spot!

**Summer Registration begins on March 1.  Your advising holds must be lifted before you can register for summer courses, so if you’re planning to take a class this summer, please take the steps necessary to have your hold lifted prior to March 1.